A New Coast to Dive For

Part I: Glorious sunshine and not a hipster in sight

If you are a soccer fan, you hear about it every four years. If you are an explorer of newer new world wines, it's on your radar. And if you follow Francis Mallmann, the southern hemisphere's mysterious fire master, you've heard he tends to retreat there. I am talking about Uruguay and I am doing so excitedly and reluctantly. Excitedly because it's splendid in its un-promoted glory and reluctantly because I prefer that it remains so. We wanderlusters can be a selfish bunch. 

Arriving at Montevideo's Carasco International Airport is an easy and effortless affair. I get through luggage claim and customs in no time at all and soon I am in my Uber, window down, warm breeze caressing my sun-starved skin and a lively Latin tune playing on the radio. I promptly Shazam and save it for later reference. Every good adventure needs a great soundtrack. 
